Major changes to the UK immigration rules

2 min read 23/03/2014

Major changes to the UK immigration rules have been presented to Parliament. On March 13, 2014, a Statement of Changes was laid before Parliament and bring about significant changes to the current system. Changes to the Points Based System are as follows:

Tier 1 General:

This visa category was closed in April 2011 for all new applicants. From April 2014, migrants who are in the UK under this category will still be able to apply for further leave to remain, but only until 6 April 2015. Between April 2015 and April 2018, only applications for settlement will be accepted under this category and the route will cease permanently in April 2018.

Tier 1 Entrepreneur:

A highly popular visa category for entrepreneurs and business people looking to invest in the UK. Under the current UK immigration rules, an applicant required to provide a third-party letter for funds which are held in a joint account with a spouse/partner. From April 2014 this will no longer be required.

Tier 2 General:

Another highly popular work visa category for migrants with a job offer in the UK. From April 2015 it will be possible for applicants to be granted a 5-year work visa with an increase visa fee – at present the maximum grant is 3 years.

Age requirement for Tier 1 Investor and Tier 1 Entrepreneur:

At present, there is no age requirement under these visa categories. From April 2014 an age requirement of 16 will be introduced.

Maintenance requirement:

The level of maintenance required for main applicants and dependants will be increased from April 2014 An increase of between £90 to £210 will apply over and above the current levels.

If you are concerned about the newly announced changes to the UK immigration rules then please do not hesitate to contact one of our UK visa experts today discuss your application.

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