2 min read 08 Jun 2015

EEA comprehensive sickness insurance

Changes were made to the EEA Regulations on 6 April 2015 regarding comprehensive sickness insurance (CSI) for EEA students and their family members.

Prior to the amendment , EEA nationals who were residing in the UK as students were required to hold CSI for themselves, but the Regulations did not require such persons to also hold CSI for any family members who are residing in the UK with them. This is in contrast to the requirements for self-sufficient persons, who are explicitly required to hold CSI for themselves and any family members.

The changes mean that family members of EEA students will now be required to hold CSI when making an application for a EEA residence card.

Whilst changes to the Regulations were made on 6 April 2015, for operational reasons, the requirement for family members of students to hold CSI will only be applied in practice from 22 June 2015. This note is being communicated to applicants in advance of this date to enable applicants to comply with the requirement when applying for residence documentation from the Home Office.

Applications for permanent residence will be assessed according to the qualifying period under consideration. For example, a family member of an EEA national student applied for a permanent residence card on 15 February 2015 and this application remains outstanding on 22 June 2015. They have provided evidence their EEA national sponsor was a student and that the EEA national held CSI for the period January 2010 to January 2015. As this qualifying period preceded changes to the Regulations, it can be accepted for the purposes of CSI, that the Regulations have been met.

This information is supplied on the GOV.UK website where the guidance can be viewed.

If you would like to discuss whether or not you hold the relevant CSI policy then you may contact us to speak with an immigration lawyer.

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