2 min read 18 Apr 2016 ,

5 tips once you get your UK visa

Below we have compiled 5 key tips upon receiving your UK visa. These are particularly helpful should you wish to apply for an extension of your UK visa or for settlement & naturalisation.

01. Keep a copy of your ID documents

We would advise you to keep a copy of your Passport and Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) in your email or a cloud service such as Dropbox in case your documents become lost or stolen. We would advise keeping a copy on your email in case your the cloud service collapses or your computer is lost or stolen; you can still access your documents.

02. Keep a copy of all Immigration paperwork

Keep a copy of all papers you receive from UK Visas & Immigration including any refusal letters. We would advise keeping this until such time that you become a British Citizen.

03. Keep track of your travel

Once you get your UK residence permit, we would advise you to keep track of all travel outside the UK – include the date you travel, the date your return, the country you visit and the reason. This will be important in extension applications and applications for Settlement and British Citizenship. Your travel dates are often used to calculate residency and therefore an important aspect of your UK visa application.

04. Keep a copy of your P60’s & P45’s

…for any employment, you take in the UK always keep a copy of HMRC documents. Particularly P45’s and P60’s. If they do become lost you can always contact HMRC for duplicates, however.

05. Keep a copy of your receipts

Always keep copies of your receipts for payment of UK visa fees and Post Office receipts for when you send documents to UK Visas & Immigration. This can often help in case of lost applications, appeals and administrative reviews which may come about in your UK visa journey.

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